- Katılım
- 2 Mart 2005
- Mesajlar
- 2,960
- Excel Vers. ve Dili
ev: Ofis 2007- Win Xp
iş: Ofis 2010- Win Vista
Kullanılabilir eklentilerde başlık neden gelmez
sorumu resimde daha net anlattığımı sannediyorum.
Ayrıca ktMsgBoxAddin.xla
+microsoft excel objects
yer alan aşağıdaki kodların anlamı nedir?
nasıl olacağını kısmen öğrendim....
1) zip dosyasının içeeriğini addins kalsörüne ekleyin.
2) Excelde araçlar eklentilerden ktMsgBoxAddin.xla seçin
3) Excel vba da referencesten ktMsgBoxAddin.xla işaretleyin
4) Aşağıdaki kodları deneyin
Ayrıca ktMsgBoxAddin.xla
+microsoft excel objects
yer alan aşağıdaki kodların anlamı nedir?
nasıl olacağını kısmen öğrendim....
1) zip dosyasının içeeriğini addins kalsörüne ekleyin.
2) Excelde araçlar eklentilerden ktMsgBoxAddin.xla seçin
3) Excel vba da referencesten ktMsgBoxAddin.xla işaretleyin
4) Aşağıdaki kodları deneyin
Public Sub Trial06()
Dim rc As Variant
'---- English Version ----------------------------
rc = ktMsgBox("DEVAM." & vbCrLf & "Please return to your seat quickly." _
, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "ktMsgBox [Code Generator]" _
, PromptColor:=vbRed _
, Chime:=True _
, FontName:="ARI" _
, FontSize:=14 _
, ChimeColor:=vbGreen)
End Sub
Public Sub Trial01()
Dim Prompt As kt_MsgBoxPromptType
Call ktMsgBoxPromptTypeInit(Prompt)
'---- English Version ----------------------------
With Prompt
.Message(1) = "[ktMsgBoxAddin for English Ver3.13]" & vbCrLf & _
" which substitutes the MsgBox function."
.FName(1) = "ROMAN"
.FSize(1) = 18
.FColor(1) = &H800080
.FBold(1) = True
.Message(2) = "Welcome to 'the experience workbook of ktMsgBoxAddin'"
.FName(2) = "CENT"
.FSize(2) = 14
.FColor(2) = &H8000&
.FBold(2) = True
.Message(3) = "'The MsgBox function doesn't have such a feature.'" & vbCrLf & _
"Is there a feature which was said so and was given up so far?" & vbCrLf & _
"'ktMsgBoxAddin' provides such a feature for you."
.FName(3) = "CENT"
.FSize(3) = 11
.FColor(3) = -1
.Message(4) = "The following specification is possible." & vbCrLf & _
" 1) a display position." & vbCrLf & _
" 2) the font color and background color." & vbCrLf & _
" 3) the chime which can be used for [Calling Message]." & vbCrLf & _
" 4) the button captions except being established such as [Yes To All]." & vbCrLf & _
" 5) an image in the background." & vbCrLf & _
" 6) an InputBox / PasswordBox feature." & vbCrLf & _
" 7) the HyperLink messages." & vbCrLf & _
" 8) which closes automatically within a few seconds." & vbCrLf & _
"and If using 'ktMsgBox code generation tool'," & vbCrLf & _
"the contents of the message box can be interactively completed."
.FName(4) = "CENT"
.FSize(4) = 11
.FColor(4) = &H80&
.Message(5) = "The feature which is used for the message to be looking at now is" & vbCrLf & _
" [The font specification, the background image, the Wait feature]."
.FName(5) = "CENT"
.FSize(5) = 11
.FColor(5) = -1
.Message(6) = "Sorry, this window closes automatically at 60 seconds, please keep waiting." & vbCrLf & _
"There is specification of the opening message in 'Information' sheet." & vbCrLf & _
"It isn't displayed from next time if making the specification [False] and saving it."
.FName(6) = "CENT"
.FSize(6) = 11
.FColor(6) = vbRed
End With
ktMsgBoxEX Prompt _
, kt_MsgBox_SandglassIcon, "ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool" _
, WaitSecond:=5 _
, BackImage:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\AddinBox.gif" _
, ImageWidth:=400 _
, ImageHeight:=300 _
, ChimeColor:=vbBlue
End Sub
Public Sub Trial02()
Dim Prompt As kt_MsgBoxPromptType
Call ktMsgBoxPromptTypeInit(Prompt)
'---- English Version ----------------------------
With Prompt
.Message(1) = "[ktMsgBoxAddin for English Ver3.13]" & vbCrLf & _
" which substitutes the MsgBox function."
.FName(1) = "ROMAN"
.FSize(1) = 18
.FColor(1) = &H800080
.FBold(1) = True
.Message(2) = "Welcome to 'the experience workbook of ktMsgBoxAddin'"
.FName(2) = "CENT"
.FSize(2) = 14
.FColor(2) = &H8000&
.FBold(2) = True
.Message(3) = "'The MsgBox function doesn't have such a feature.'" & vbCrLf & _
"Is there a feature which was said so and was given up so far?" & vbCrLf & _
"'ktMsgBoxAddin' provides such a feature for you."
.FName(3) = "CENT"
.FSize(3) = 11
.FColor(3) = -1
.Message(4) = "The following specification is possible." & vbCrLf & _
" 1) a display position." & vbCrLf & _
" 2) the font color and background color." & vbCrLf & _
" 3) the chime which can be used for [Calling Message]." & vbCrLf & _
" 4) the button captions except being established such as [Yes To All]." & vbCrLf & _
" 5) an image in the background." & vbCrLf & _
" 6) an InputBox /PasswordBox feature." & vbCrLf & _
" 7) the HyperLink messages." & vbCrLf & _
" 8) which closes automatically within a few seconds." & vbCrLf & _
"and If using 'ktMsgBox code generation tool'," & vbCrLf & _
"the contents of the message box can be interactively completed."
.FName(4) = "CENT"
.FSize(4) = 11
.FColor(4) = &H80&
.Message(5) = "The feature which is used for the message to be looking at now is" & vbCrLf & _
" [The font specification, the background image, the Chime, the HyperLink]."
.FName(5) = "CENT"
.FSize(5) = 11
.FColor(5) = -1
.Message(6) = "To stop chime, click any buttons." & vbCrLf & _
"Even if it starts up a browser / mailer in HyperLink, this window doesn't close."
.FName(6) = "CENT"
.FSize(6) = 11
.FColor(6) = vbRed
End With
ktMsgBoxEX Prompt _
, vbOKOnly + kt_MsgBox_CoffeeIcon, "ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool" _
, Chime:=True _
, BackImage:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\AddinBox.gif" _
, ImageWidth:=400 _
, ImageHeight:=300 _
, HyperLink1:="http://www.xxx.yyy.zzz/" _
, HyperLink2:="mailto:addinbox@xxx.yyy.zzz"
End Sub
Public Sub Trial03()
Dim Prompt As kt_MsgBoxPromptType
Dim rc As Variant
Call ktMsgBoxPromptTypeInit(Prompt)
'---- English Version ----------------------------
With Prompt
.Message(1) = "<<< InputBox feature >>>"
.FName(1) = "ROMAN"
.FSize(1) = 16
.FBold(1) = True
.FColor(1) = vbBlue
.Message(2) = "(1) The width of the entry column can be changed by the argument" & vbCrLf & _
" (10-80 character width)." & vbCrLf & _
"(2) When specifying [the numerical value or the date]," & vbCrLf & _
" it does a validity checking with entry value." & vbCrLf & _
"(3) The button caption becomes [OK] [CANCEL] fixation."
.FName(2) = "CENT"
.FSize(2) = 12
.FBold(2) = False
.FColor(2) = &H80&
.Message(3) = "The font decorations of the message, too, can be used."
.FName(3) = "CENT"
.FSize(3) = 12
.FBold(3) = True
.FColor(3) = &H800080
.Message(4) = "This is the specification of [D1]." & vbCrLf & _
"It becomes entry again in the error when typing a thing except the date."
.FName(4) = "CENT"
.FSize(4) = 12
.FBold(4) = False
.FColor(4) = vbRed
End With
rc = ktMsgBoxEX(Prompt _
, vbOKOnly, "ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool" _
, BackColor:=&HFFEEBB _
, InputType:="d1")
End Sub
Public Sub Trial04()
Dim Prompt As kt_MsgBoxPromptType
Dim rc As Variant
Call ktMsgBoxPromptTypeInit(Prompt)
'---- English Version ----------------------------
With Prompt
.Message(1) = "<<< UserDefButton feature >>>"
.FName(1) = "ROMAN"
.FSize(1) = 16
.FBold(1) = True
.FColor(1) = &H80&
.Message(2) = "The button captions except being established" & vbCrLf & _
"such as [Yes To All] can be defined.(Max 4 Buttons)"
.FName(2) = "CENT"
.FSize(2) = 12
.FBold(2) = False
.FColor(2) = vbRed
.Message(3) = "It is [1st - 4th] button in order from the left." & vbCrLf & _
"It returns respectively at the value of [9 - 12]." & vbCrLf & _
"The buttons of this window is made with the following definition."
.FName(3) = "CENT"
.FSize(3) = 12
.FBold(3) = False
.FColor(3) = -1
.Message(4) = "YesToAll(1);1,NoToAll(2);2,Yes;Y,No;N"
.FName(4) = "CENT"
.FSize(4) = 12
.FBold(4) = True
.FColor(4) = &H800000
.Message(5) = "<<< DENEME >>>"
.FName(5) = "COUR"
.FSize(5) = 13
.FBold(5) = False
.FColor(5) = &H8&
End With
rc = ktMsgBoxEX(Prompt _
, vbDefaultButton4, "ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool" _
, BackColor:=&HE0FFFF _
, UserDefBtn:="YesToAll(1);1,NoToAll(2);2,Yes;Y,No;N")
If rc = 9 Then
MsgBox "yestoalla basıldı"
ElseIf rc = 10 Then
MsgBox "notoalla basıldı"
ElseIf rc = 11 Then
MsgBox "yes basıldı"
ElseIf rc = 12 Then
MsgBox "no basıldı"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Trial05()
Dim Prompt As kt_MsgBoxPromptType
Dim rc As Variant
Dim strPWD As Variant
'---- English Version ----------------------------
rc = ktMsgBox("Please types your password.", kt_MsgBox_KeyIcon _
, Title:="ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool" _
, FontName:="ARI", FontSize:=10, InputType:="p2")
If (VarType(rc) <> vbBoolean) Then
strPWD = rc
rc = ktMsgBox("Please types your password again to confirm.", kt_MsgBox_KeyIcon _
, Title:="ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool" _
, PromptColor:=&H99&, FontName:="ARI", FontSize:=10 _
, InputType:="p2" & ";" & strPWD)
If (VarType(rc) <> vbBoolean) Then
Call ktMsgBoxPromptTypeInit(Prompt)
With Prompt
.Message(1) = "It registers [" & strPWD & "] as your password."
.FName(1) = "CENT"
.FSize(1) = 12
.FBold(1) = True
.FColor(1) = -1
.Message(2) = "(Note)" & vbCrLf & _
" Because this is a sample, the typing your password is displayed " & vbCrLf & _
" in this way. However, when having displayed actually in this way, " & vbCrLf & _
" there is not an effect which is hidden by ""*"" in your typing." & vbCrLf & _
" Don't copy this part."
.FName(2) = "TAHOMA"
.FSize(2) = 9
.FBold(2) = False
.FColor(2) = &H99&
End With
rc = ktMsgBoxEX(Prompt _
, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ktMsgBoxAddin Trial Tool")
ktMsgBox "Cancel", FontName:="ARI", FontSize:=10
End If
ktMsgBox "Cancel", FontName:="ARI", FontSize:=10
End If
End Sub
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