xml den veri alma

23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili
arkadaşlar merhaba,

bir xml dosyasından veri almaya çalışıyorum, örnek ekte,

sn modalının import öreneğinde olduğu gibi kayıtları satır satır dönderiyorum ve tabloya yazıyorum, ama pek başarılı olduğum söylenemez, otomatik id nin başladığı numaraya bakınca nekadar uğraştığımı anlarsınız,

xml dosyasındaki butonlar aşağıdaki gibidir,

<xs:element name="Device_x0020_ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="License_x0020_Plate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Driver" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Date_x002F_Time" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Status" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xs:element name="Region" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
access den direk importu denedim ama xml içindeki şemaya takılıyor ve tobloyu oluşturamıyor,

yardımlarınız için teşekkür ederim,

Ekli dosyalar

25 Aralık 2005
Excel Vers. ve Dili
MS Office 2010 Pro Türkçe
Sayın pcman,

Sıkıntınızı anlıyorum ve birkaç gündür özel mesaj da atıyosunuz.

Eklediğiniz blank.xml dosyasını nasıl elde ettiniz?

Benim fikrim, (ancak web servislerle hiç uğraşmadım) bir asp.net uygulaması geliştirmek gerektiği. Onun içinde web servisleri kolaylıkla kullanabiliyoruz. Web servisleri web den veriyi nasıl sorgulayıp çekeceğimiz anlatan yordamlar. Ancak localde asp.net uygulamasını kullanabilmek için ya IIS kurulu olmalı yada visual studio 2005 veya 2008 gerekli. Uygulamayı Dremweaver içinden de oluşturabilirsiniz ancak visual studio çok çok daha iyi.

Uygulamamıza çekeceğimiz verileri bir data grid içine alıp onun üstünden kolaylıkla accesse aktarabiliriz. (Kolaylıkla dediğime bakmayın, iyi bir alt yapı gerektiriyor.)

Web üzerinden sorgulamayı yapabiliyor musunuz? xml dosyalarını nasıl elde ediyorsunuz? Eğer web den alıyorsanız kullandığınız dosyanın uzantısı aspx mi php mi?
25 Aralık 2005
Excel Vers. ve Dili
MS Office 2010 Pro Türkçe
Sayın pcman,

web service ile ilgili vba class ını oluşturabildiniz mi?

İyi çalışmalar
23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili
sn modalı,

ilginiz için teşekkür ederim,
Web servislerini kullanacağım link'e tarayıcıdan girince bir kaç metod gördüm,
SOAP, HTTP GET, HTTP POST, bilirsiniz en iyi yol en iyi bildiğiniz yoldur,
burda HTTP GET metodunu kullanarak sorgulanmış xml verisini WebBrowser görüntüleye bildim,
Dim gun As String
Dim gunson As String
gun = Mid(Date - 1, 4, 2) & Mid(Date - 1, 1, 2) & Mid(Date - 1, 7, 4) & "235959"
gunson = Mid(Date, 4, 2) & Mid(Date, 1, 2) & Mid(Date, 7, 4) & "235959"
WebBrowser3.Navigate2 "" & gun & "&EndDate=" & gunson & "&Node=&Group=&Compress=string&MinuteDif=120&Language=1"
şimdi asıl soru, bu veriyi uygulamada kullanabilmek, zaten bunun için uğraşıyoruz, WebBrowser kaynak kodlarına ulaştığımda görüntü bana ikinci darbeyi vurdu çünkü gördüğüm sorgulama öncesi kodlardı, ama WebBrowser birazdaha kurcalıyınca WebBrowser da oluşan xml dosyasını yüklemesi bitince c:\ indirmeye karar verdim, şimdi elimde sorgulanmış istediğim verileri içeren nur topu gibi bir xml dosyası vardı, tam herşey yolunda derken xml dosyasının içindeki verilerle birlikte bende dönmeye başladım, bir türlü döngüyü oluşturup istediğim başlıkları tablodaki yerlerine atamadım,

formun zaman bölümüne 60000 ve olay kısmınada,
Dim gun As String
Dim gunson As String
gun = Mid(Date - 1, 4, 2) & Mid(Date - 1, 1, 2) & Mid(Date - 1, 7, 4) & "235959"
gunson = Mid(Date, 4, 2) & Mid(Date, 1, 2) & Mid(Date, 7, 4) & "235959"
WebBrowser3.Navigate2 "" & gun & "&EndDate=" & gunson & "&Node=&Group=&Compress=string&MinuteDif=120&Language=1"
böylece her bir dakkada bir WebBrowser yeniden yüklenecek ve dolayısıyla yeniden sorgulanacaktır,

WebBrowser yüklendikten sonra xml dosyasının c:\ yüklenmesi için,

Private Sub WebBrowser3_NavigateComplete2(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
WebBrowser3.ExecWB OLECMDID_SAVEAS, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, "c:\blank.xml", "c:\blank.xml"
Call OpenTextFileTest
End Sub
WebBrowser NavigateComplete2 olayını kullandım,

burda yüntem gayet iyi hatasız çalışıyor, sadece xml dosyasındaki verileri doğru çekmek gerekli...

yardımlarınız için teşekkürler,
Son düzenleme:
23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili
Sn modalı web servisle ilgili vba class oluşturdum, ama bunu nasıl kullanacağımı bilmiyorum,

tc kimlik no örneklerini kullanmaya çalıştım ama başaramadım,

Option Compare Database

'This class was created by the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit.
'Created: 2/23/2009 05:10:39 PM
'This class is a Visual Basic for Applications class representation of the Web service
'as defined by
'To Use:
'Dimension a variable as new clsws_Arventox0020Reportx00, and then write code to
'use the methods provided by the class.
' Dim ExampleVar as New clsws_Arventox0020Reportx00
' debug.print ExampleVar.wsm_GetLocalDateTime("Sample Input")
'For more information, see Complex Types in Microsoft Office 2003
'Web Services Toolkit Help.
'Changes to the code in this class may result in incorrect behavior.

'Dimensioning private class variables.
Private sc_Arventox0020Reportx00 As SoapClient30
Private Const c_WSDL_URL As String = ""
Private Const c_SERVICE As String = "Arvento_x0020_Report_x0020_Web_x0020_Service"
Private Const c_PORT As String = "Arvento_x0020_Report_x0020_Web_x0020_ServiceSoap"
Private Const c_SERVICE_NAMESPACE As String = "http://tempuri.org/"

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    'This subroutine will be called each time the class is instantiated.
    'Creates sc_ComplexTypes as new SoapClient30, and then
    'initializes sc_ComplexTypes.mssoapinit2 with WSDL file found in

    Dim str_WSML As String
    str_WSML = ""

    Set sc_Arventox0020Reportx00 = New SoapClient30

    sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.MSSoapInit2 c_WSDL_URL, str_WSML, c_SERVICE, c_PORT, c_SERVICE_NAMESPACE
    'Use the proxy server defined in Internet Explorer's LAN settings by
    'setting ProxyServer to <CURRENT_USER>
    sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.ConnectorProperty("ProxyServer") = "<CURRENT_USER>"
    'Autodetect proxy settings if Internet Explorer is set to autodetect
    'by setting EnableAutoProxy to True
    sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.ConnectorProperty("EnableAutoProxy") = True

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    'This subroutine will be called each time the class is destructed.
    'Sets sc_ComplexTypes to Nothing.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo Class_TerminateTrap

    Set sc_Arventox0020Reportx00 = Nothing

Exit Sub

    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler ("Class_Terminate")
End Sub

Private Sub Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler(str_Function As String)
    'This subroutine is the class error handler. It can be called from any class subroutine or function
    'when that subroutine or function encounters an error. Then, it will raise the error along with the
    'name of the calling subroutine or function.

    'SOAP Error
    If sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.FaultCode <> "" Then
        Err.Raise vbObjectError, str_Function, sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.FaultString
    'Non SOAP Error
        Err.Raise Err.Number, str_Function, Err.Description
    End If

End Sub

Public Function wsm_GetLocalDateTime(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String) As String
    'Proxy function created from

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_GetLocalDateTimeTrap

    wsm_GetLocalDateTime = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.GetLocalDateTime(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_GetLocalDateTime"
End Function

Public Function wsm_GetNodes(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_Group As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_GetNodes" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_GetNodesTrap

    Set wsm_GetNodes = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.GetNodes(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_Group)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_GetNodes"
End Function

Public Function wsm_GetGroups(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_GetGroups" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_GetGroupsTrap

    Set wsm_GetGroups = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.GetGroups(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_GetGroups"
End Function

Public Function wsm_UserLoginReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_UserLoginReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_UserLoginReportTrap

    Set wsm_UserLoginReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.UserLoginReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Compress, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_UserLoginReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_VehicleProgramReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_chkAllVehicles As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_Language As String, ByVal str_ProgrammingVehicles As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_VehicleProgramReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_VehicleProgramReportTrap

    Set wsm_VehicleProgramReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.VehicleProgramReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_Node, str_Group, str_chkAllVehicles, str_Compress, str_Language, str_ProgrammingVehicles)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_VehicleProgramReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_TotalPauseTime(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String) As String
    'Proxy function created from

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_TotalPauseTimeTrap

    wsm_TotalPauseTime = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.TotalPauseTime(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_MinuteDif)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_TotalPauseTime"
End Function

Public Function wsm_TotalIdlingTime(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String) As String
    'Proxy function created from

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_TotalIdlingTimeTrap

    wsm_TotalIdlingTime = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.TotalIdlingTime(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_MinuteDif)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_TotalIdlingTime"
End Function

Public Function wsm_TotalRunningTime(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String) As String
    'Proxy function created from

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_TotalRunningTimeTrap

    wsm_TotalRunningTime = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.TotalRunningTime(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_MinuteDif)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_TotalRunningTime"
End Function

Public Function wsm_ContactAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_ContactAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_ContactAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_ContactAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.ContactAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_ContactAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_FuelLevelReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_FuelLevelReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_FuelLevelReportTrap

    Set wsm_FuelLevelReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.FuelLevelReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_FuelLevelReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_IdlingDurationReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_IdlingDurationReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_IdlingDurationReportTrap

    Set wsm_IdlingDurationReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.IdlingDurationReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_IdlingDurationReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_IgnitionDurationReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_IgnitionDurationReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_IgnitionDurationReportTrap

    Set wsm_IgnitionDurationReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.IgnitionDurationReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_IgnitionDurationReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_PauseDurationReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_PauseDurationReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_PauseDurationReportTrap

    Set wsm_PauseDurationReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.PauseDurationReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_PauseDurationReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_RegionAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_RegionAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_RegionAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_RegionAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.RegionAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_RegionAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_VehicleDistanceReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_VehicleDistanceReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_VehicleDistanceReportTrap

    Set wsm_VehicleDistanceReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.VehicleDistanceReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_VehicleDistanceReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_VehicleLastStateReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_Date As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_VehicleLastStateReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_VehicleLastStateReportTrap

    Set wsm_VehicleLastStateReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.VehicleLastStateReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_Date, str_Node, str_Group, str_MinuteDif)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_VehicleLastStateReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_TemperatureReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinTemp As String, ByVal str_MaxTemp As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_TemperatureReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_TemperatureReportTrap

    Set wsm_TemperatureReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.TemperatureReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinTemp, str_MaxTemp, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_TemperatureReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_SpeedReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinSpeed As String, ByVal str_MaxSpeed As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_SpeedReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_SpeedReportTrap

    Set wsm_SpeedReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.SpeedReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinSpeed, str_MaxSpeed, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_SpeedReport"
End Function

Public Function wsm_SpeedAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_SpeedAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_SpeedAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_SpeedAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.SpeedAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_SpeedAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_TemperatureAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_TemperatureAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_TemperatureAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_TemperatureAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.TemperatureAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_TemperatureAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_PauseAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_PauseAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_PauseAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_PauseAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.PauseAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_PauseAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_MotionAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_MotionAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_MotionAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_MotionAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.MotionAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_MotionAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_EmergencyAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_EmergencyAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_EmergencyAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_EmergencyAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.EmergencyAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_EmergencyAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_DoorAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_DoorAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_DoorAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_DoorAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.DoorAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_DoorAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_IdlingAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_IdlingAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_IdlingAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_IdlingAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.IdlingAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_IdlingAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_DevicePoweredUpAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_DevicePoweredUpAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_DevicePoweredUpAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_DevicePoweredUpAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.DevicePoweredUpAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_DevicePoweredUpAlarm"
End Function

Public Function wsm_BuildingListReport(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_Compress As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_BuildingListReport" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_BuildingListReportTrap

    Set wsm_BuildingListReport = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.BuildingListReport(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_Compress)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_BuildingListReport"
End Function
burda benim almak istediğim,
Public Function wsm_RegionAlarm(ByVal str_UserName As String, ByVal str_PIN1 As String, ByVal str_PIN2 As String, ByVal str_StartDate As String, ByVal str_EndDate As String, ByVal str_Node As String, ByVal str_Group As String, ByVal str_Compress As String, ByVal str_MinuteDif As String, ByVal str_Language As String) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
    'Proxy function created from
    '"wsm_RegionAlarm" is defined as XML. See Complex Types: XML Variables in
    'Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit Help for details on implementing XML variables.

    'Error Trap
    On Error GoTo wsm_RegionAlarmTrap

    Set wsm_RegionAlarm = sc_Arventox0020Reportx00.RegionAlarm(str_UserName, str_PIN1, str_PIN2, str_StartDate, str_EndDate, str_Node, str_Group, str_Compress, str_MinuteDif, str_Language)

Exit Function
    Arventox0020Reportx00ErrorHandler "wsm_RegionAlarm"
End Function
23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili
Sn Modalı,

iyi haberlerinizi bekliyorum,

iyi çalışmalar.
25 Aralık 2005
Excel Vers. ve Dili
MS Office 2010 Pro Türkçe
Sayın pcman,

İşi çözdüm gibi, ama oturup çalışmak lazım. Eğer çok gerekli ise webde xml den access veri transfer edn programlar var.

Ama access üzerinden de bu iş oluyor. Bu aralar bir proje ile uğraşıyorum ve diğer konulara pek vakit ayıramıyorum.

İyi çalışmalar
23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili
Sn modalı,

Farklı bir program kullanacak kadar acil değil, ama elinizde bu tarz programlar varsa linkini göndermenizi rica ederim, emre@istanbultank.com
25 Aralık 2005
Excel Vers. ve Dili
MS Office 2010 Pro Türkçe
Sayın pcman,

Biraz uykusuz kaldım ama bitti. (Bir noktaya kadar bana da gerekiyordu)

Tabloya kaydetme işlemini modüldeki fonksiyonla kaydettim. Forma bir metin kutusu ekleyerek veya xml_files klasöründen seçerek herhangi kaydedilmiş bir xml i tabloya aktarabilirsiniz.

Webdeki adresten web service classını da indirdim. Form1 de yaklaşık kullanım şeklini gösterdim. Elimde şifreler olmadığı için deneme yapamadım. Sizin yönteminiz dışında xml listesi olarak direkt çekebiliyoruz.

Şimdilik iyi çalışmalar.

Ekli dosyalar


Altın Üye
19 Ağustos 2004
Excel Vers. ve Dili
Ofis 365 TR 64 Windows 11 Home Single Language x64 TR
Altın Üyelik Bitiş Tarihi

Sayın Modalı hocam;


Verdiğiniz emek ve bu güzel paylaşım için teşekkürler.

Sevgi ve saygılar.
23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili

Sn Modalı,

Yardımlaşma ruhunuz, iyi niyetiniz ve karşılıksız verdiğiniz emekler için size teşekkür ederim,

Bu formda herkes bir şeyler soruyor, herkes birilerine cevap veriyor ama sizin bu saatte bu işi çözüme ulaştırmanızın tarifi yok,

Bu yazıyı işim çözüldüğü için yazmıyorum, önemli olalan gösterdiğiniz iyi niyet,

Sizde uygun görürseniz, Microsoft Web Tarayıcısıyla xml'i 1 dk. bir import edip sizin yazdığınız, modülle tablaya yazmayı düşünüyorum,

class modüle kullanıcı bilgilerini girdiğimde hata üretti,isterseniz mail olarak size kullanıcı bilgilerini göndereyim, bana mail atarsanız, size geri dönerim,

şimdi kodların çalışma mantığını kavrayıp, tarih saaiti referans olarak kullanıp aynı tarih saatteki veriyi tekrar tablaya yazmamasını sağlamaya çalışacağım,

Teşekkürler SN Modalı
25 Aralık 2005
Excel Vers. ve Dili
MS Office 2010 Pro Türkçe
Sayın pcman,

email adresim: modali2006@hotmail.com

Siz mevcut yapıyı bozmadan verileri önce geçici bir tabloya kaydedin oradan da sorguyla aynı veriyi yazmamak üzere ana tabloya kaydedebilirsiniz.
23 Kasım 2007
Excel Vers. ve Dili
Sn Modalı,

Aynen dediğiniz şekilde bir çözüm geliştirmiştim şuan sistemi demo olarak çalıştırıyorum bir sıkıntı görünmüyor,