DOSYA İndirmek/Yüklemek için ÜCRETLİ ALTIN ÜYELİK Gereklidir!
Altın Üyelik Hakkında Bilgi
Sub test4()
Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
Dim flds As Folders
Dim yol As String
Dim i As Integer
Set FSO = New FileSystemObject
Set flds = FSO.GetFolder("C:\").SubFolders
i = 2
For Each f In flds
yol = f.Path
Worksheets("LİSTE").Cells(i, 1) = yol
i = i + 1
End Sub
dosyalarin olusturulma yada son degistirilme tarihlerini excele nasil alabilirim???
'* Dosya Listeleme & Dosyalara Link kurmak *
'* Version 1.2.1 b *
'* Raider ® *
'* Nisan 2003 *
Const MyExt As String = "*.xls"
Const IncludeSubFolder As Boolean = True
Dim MyPath As String
Dim FileSize, Folder, LastModified, LastAccessed
Sub FileList()
Dim FileNamesList As Variant, i As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
Set objFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Lütfen bir klasor seçin !", 0)
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
MyPath = objFolder.Items.Item.Path
If InStr(1, MyPath, Application.PathSeparator) < 1 Then Err.Raise (91)
FileNamesList = CreateFileList(MyExt, IncludeSubFolder)
Range("A1") = "Dosya Adı"
Range("B1") = "Dosya Boyutu"
Range("C1") = "Klasor"
Range("D1") = "Son Değişiklik"
Range("E1") = "Son Kullanma"
Range("A1:E1").Font.Bold = True
Range("A1:E1").Font.Size = 12
Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "0.00 Kb"
For i = 1 To UBound(FileNamesList)
Cells(i + 1, 1) = Dir(FileNamesList(i))
Call FileDetails(FileNamesList(i))
Cells(i + 1, 2) = FileSize
Cells(i + 1, 3) = Folder
Cells(i + 1, 4) = LastModified
Cells(i + 1, 5) = LastAccessed
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i + 1, 1), Address:=FileNamesList(i)
End If
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 7
MsgBox "Disket veya CD-ROM/WRITER sürücüsü boş !", vbOKOnly, "HATA !"
Case 13
MsgBox "Klasorde geçerli *.xls dosyası bulunamadı !", vbOKOnly, "HATA !"
Case 91
MsgBox "Geçerli bir klasor seçilmedi !", vbOKOnly, "Hata !"
Case Else
MsgBox "Hata oluştu !" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Hata No: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "HATA !"
End Select
End Sub
Function CreateFileList(FileFilter As String, IncludeSubFolder As Boolean) As Variant
Dim FileList() As String, FileCount As Long
CreateFileList = ""
Erase FileList
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = MyPath
.Filename = FileFilter
.LastModified = msoLastModifiedAnyTime
.SearchSubFolders = IncludeSubFolder
If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then Exit Function
ReDim FileList(.FoundFiles.Count)
For FileCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
FileList(FileCount) = .FoundFiles(FileCount)
End With
CreateFileList = FileList
Erase FileList
End Function
Sub FileDetails(FilePath)
Dim fs, f
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(FilePath)
FileSize = f.Size / 1024
Folder = f.ParentFolder
LastModified = Format(f.DateLastModified, "dd.mmmm.yyyy")
LastAccessed = Format(f.DateLastAccessed, "dd.mmmm.yyyy")
Set f = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub